Today I write to you about Caitlyn Jenner,
are so many different interpretations and opinions about this controversial
topic and I ever so badly wish there wasn’t. Some see
it as government control, some as media mind washing and some see it as the gay
and lesbian community ‘taking over’.
sometimes wish the world was a simpler place but it isn’t, people will always
try and find a negative in everything that is done. So I am here to give my
I see
this whole situation simply. I see Bruce Jenner as an individual who has never
had the chance to be who he really is. I see him as the voice of millions
people who have been silenced because of their fear of being mistreated.
actions are not promoting that being transgender is the new thing to do and
that everyone should just jump on the trend. NO, this man has lived a lie for
years and years in order to please the people around him and that is what he is
promoting, truth and acceptance.
has been a huge problem for the human race. For years people have been fighting
racism, discrimination, homosexuality…
All while not realizing that it isn’t
just religion against religion, race against race, gender VS gender and so
It is
everyone against everyone else. We will never live in peace as a species
because there will never come a day where we all truly accept one another.
Bruce has done is a beautiful thing, not because of the act itself necessarily
but because he is a soul on this earth who has found his voice and has been
heard. He can now be his true self and move on from the lies.
you agree that to have more honest and open people on this earth would be a
good thing?
& if that is the case then why is it we ask for honesty and when its what
we get we do nothing but destroy it?
back at your life and remember all the times you have asked for the truth and
been given a lie? Did it hurt? Ofcourse it did.
But why did that person lie to you even though you had told them that you want
the truth? Why couldn’t they have just been honest?
It isn’t that simple, we have grown up in a world that has conditioned us to
lie in order to get our way and we only have ourselves to blame.
Honesty isn’t always easy, but it is something that should be encouraged. If all
you take away is one thing from this, let it be that you start to encourage
honesty in your everyday life. To do that you have to tell yourself that you mustn’t
always agree or understand the other person’s truth, but you must learn to
accept it whether or not it is easy to hear.
I hope
this has found you well…
for reading.xx
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